E: anzhncs.asm@surgeons.org
 T: +61 3 9249 1150

Grants & Prizes

Grants and Prizes offered by the ANZHNCS

Allied Health and Nursing Grant Scheme

Amount on offer: $1,000.00

This grant is awarded to an allied health or nursing professional who successfully submits an abstract for oral presentation at the ASM and has requested to be considered for the grant. The grant is to assist towards the costs to attend the ASM. Only one such grant will be awarded at each ASM. Please submit your interest via the abstract submission portal.

Applications close: Monday 21 April 2025.


Developing Nations Visitor Scheme

Amount on offer: up to $10,000.00 AUD

This grant is awarded to a medical or allied health professional (with a relevant higher degree in Oncology or similar) from a developing nation with interest in head and neck cancer. The applicant is required to present a paper at the ASM, attend the meeting and arrange a visitation to a Head and Neck Centre.

Applications close: Monday 31 March 2025.

Best Overall Oral Presentation and Best Overall Poster Presentation Prizes

Amount on offer: $500.00 off the registrant fee for the 2025 meeting (per prize)

The above-mentioned prizes are available at the ASM, with the entries being assessed during the meeting and winners announced at the close of the meeting. A refund of the prize money amount will be issued post meeting.

Abstract submissions close: Monday 21 April 2025.

How to Apply

For further details on how to apply for grants, please visit https://anzhncs.org/grants/ or contact the ANZHNCS Secretariat:

E: info@anzhncs.org | T: +61 2 9431 8670

Contact Us

Meeting Organiser:

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Conferences & Events Department 
250-290 Spring Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia

T : +61 3 9249 1150
E : anzhncs.asm@surgeons.org