E: anzhncs.asm@surgeons.org
 T: +61 3 9249 1150

Pre-Meeting Workshops

All prices are in Australian dollars and include GST.

Head and Neck Cadaveric Dissection Workshop

Wednesday 27 - Thursday 28 August 2025
8:00am - 5:00pm
Large Animal Research and Imaging Facility (LARIF)
Convener: Dr Rowan Valentine

Limited spaces are available. Book early to confirm your workshop registration.

Workshop FeesMember Fee*
Non-Member Fee

*Member rates only apply to members of the Australian and New Zealand Head & Neck Cancer Society (ANZHNCS). If you wish to become a member of the ANZHNCS please click here to complete the member application form. For further information about the society and membership benefits please, view the ANZHNCS Website or contact the society directly at info@anzhncs.org.

Jaw in a Day Workshop

Thursday 28 August 2025
8:00am - 5:00pm
Riverbank Room 4, Adelaide Convention Centre
Convener: Dr Felix Sim

Supported by KLS Martin, Southern Implants and BioMeDent

This full day course provides surgeons and prosthodontists didactic learning and hands-on lab experience to deliver immediate dental rehabilitation at the time of reconstruction.

The course is intended for Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons, Head and Neck Surgeons, ENT surgeons, Plastic Surgeons and Prosthodontists.

Workshop FeesEarly Bird Fee*
Standard Fee
Hands-On (Member**)
Hands-On (Non Member)
Observer (Member**)
Observer (Non Member)

*Early Bird Registrations Close at 11:59pm AEST on Monday 21 July 2025.

**Member rates only apply to members of the Australian and New Zealand Head & Neck Cancer Society (ANZHNCS). If you wish to become a member of the ANZHNCS please click here to complete the member application form. For further information about the society and membership benefits please, view the ANZHNCS Website or contact the society directly at info@anzhncs.org.

Prehab to Rehab: Evidence versus Practicalities Workshop

Thursday 28 August 2025
9:30am - 5:00pm
Riverbank Rooms 2 & 3, Adelaide Convention Centre
Conveners: Ms Tracey Nicholls and Dr Lee Pryor

Attendance to the workshop includes a tour of the Australian Bragg Centre for Proton Therapy and Research. Please indicate your attendance for the tour when registering for the workshop.

Invited speakers will present evidence on managing morbidity. Additionally the session will be interspersed with round table style discussions about the practicalities of implementing the evidence, and highlight ‘tips and tricks’ that clinicians across disciplines utilise in patient care.

Workshop Topics:

  • Lymphoedema - Dr Vani Prasad (Specialist Plastic Surgeon)
  • Trismus - Dr Emma Charters (Speech Pathologist)
  • Mucositis / xerostomia - A/Prof Sharon Liberali, AO (Special Needs Dentist)
  • Odynophagia / dysgeusia - Dr Brian Stein (Medical Oncologist)
  • Introducing physical exercise pre and post-treatment into the care pathway Prof Jo Patterson (Meeting Keynote Speaker)
  • Dysphagia - Dr Jacqui Frowen (Speech Pathologist)
  • Development of a novel respiratory-swallow intervention to improve swallow function following head and neck cancer - Prof Jo Patterson (Meeting Keynote Speaker)
  • Anxiety & emotional wellbeing - Professor Lisa Beatty (Clinical Psychologist)
  • Malnutrition (prophylactic PEG/RIG vs reactive NET)
  • Introduction to Proton therapy – reducing morbidity - Australian Bragg Centre Tour (convened by A/Prof Hien Le, Radiation Oncologist) 

Workshop Fees
Prehab to Rehab: Evidence versus Practicalities Workshop                                                         


Cancellations must be notified in writing to anzhncs.asm@surgeons.org. A cancellation fee of 20% of the appropriate registration fee will be charged for cancellations received on or before Monday 21 July 2024. Please note there will be no refunds after Monday 21 July 2024. 

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy details can be viewed on the RACS website at www.surgeons.org/en/disclaimer-and-privacy

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons ABN 29 004 167 766.

Contact Us

Meeting Organiser:

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Conferences & Events Department 
250-290 Spring Street, East Melbourne VIC 3002 Australia

T : +61 3 9249 1150
E : anzhncs.asm@surgeons.org