Saturday program

Saturday, 23 November | Program

Registration from 07:30am

08:15amWelcome and Acknowledgement to Country
Dr Marcus Ong/Dr Jacinta Cover
08:30amSession 1 -Trauma
Chairs: Dr Amyn Pardhan and Dr Nikhil Agrawal
08:30amCurrent hot topics in the trauma literature - Professor Dieter Weber, Trauma Director, RPH
08:50am       Modern care 2024: Systems, Infrastructure & Registries – Lola Sikora, Trauma Program Manager,
09:10am    Trauma care 2024: Time Matters – Dr Jeni Thomas, Trauma Surgeon, RPH              
09:30amFrom the Bush to RPH and back – Dr James Carroll, Trauma Fellow, RPH
09:50amPanel Discussion
10:00am5 x 2-minute sponsor presentations
10:10amMorning Tea with Trade and Poster Presentations

10:30am   Concurrent Session 2 - Colorectal Surgery
Chairs: Dr Tina Dilevska and Dr Jacinta Cover                              
10:30am   Concurrent Session 2 - Breast/Genetics
Chair: Dr Marcus Ong
10:30amRobotics & colorectal Surgery - Dr Havish Srinath                      10:30amTools for genetic testing in cancer patients - Ms Amy Pearn (Genetic Counsellor)
10:50amComplex endometriosis unit SJOG Midland - Dr Abdallah Elsabagh10:50am

From Contraindication to consideration: retroperitoneoscopic adrenalectomy in the context of obesity - Dr Yi Th ng Seow 

11:10amHernia after colorectal surgery - Dr Havish Srinath11:10amHighlights from the World’s First International Robotic and Endoscopic Mastectomy Course – Paris, France June 2024 - Dr Saud Hamza
11:30amPolyposis syndromes - Dr Marina Wallace11:30amSo now you are a surgeon, there are things you really need to know, that no one ever tells you... - Dr Corinne Jones
12:00pm                Lunch with Industry and Poster Presentations                               
12:50pmSession 3 - Upper G.I/Hepatobiliary
Chair: Dr Nick Newman 
12:50pmClearing the MIST of GIST - Dr Andrew Hardley
1:10pmUpper G.I bleeds - Dr Puraskar Pateria (Pre-recorded)
1:30pmRecent advances in colorectal liver metastases - Dr Suresh Navadgi (Virtual/Live)
1:50pmBariatric surgery in the setting of reflux - Dr Senarath Werapitiya
2:20pm5 x 2-minute sponsor presentations
2:30pm Afternoon Tea with Trade and Poster Presentations
3:00pmSession 4 - Rural General Surgery
Chairs: Dr Ausama Muhammed
3:00pmManagement of the open abdomen - Dr Anand Trivedi
3:20pmComplex abdominal wall and reconstruction - A/Professor Mo Ballal
3:40pmChoose wisely - mesh choice - A/Professor Mo Ballal
4:00pmNavigating life as a new consultant - Dr Genevieve Gibbons
4:20pmHand surgery in a rural setting - Dr Nick Newman
4:40pmMelanoma: A summary and an update - Dr Raj Zaman 
5:15pmDay One Concludes
OLD LYRIC (main entrance off Symmonds Street)
6:30PM - 11:00PM
Guest Speaker: Dr Jamal Tashkandi - Madagascar 3

Dress Code: Smart Casual


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P: +61 8 6389 8600                                                              

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