14th International Spark of Life (SOL) Conference 
Thu 22 - Sat 24 May 2025 
Pullman Melbourne on the Park

Verbal Presenters

Please refer to the important information below if you have received confirmation that your abstract was accepted as a Verbal Presentation

Presentation Details
Notification of your abstract submission was circulated in March 2025, with your presentation details also included in communications. Please refer to the accepted abstracts in the bottom of the email you would have received from the Conference Organiser. 

Please note: Question time is included in your allocated presentation time. You must take into account question time when creating your presentation. Presenters who exceed their allocated time will be stopped to allow other presenters the opportunity to participate in the program.

Presentation Format
The Organising Committee has requested that all presentations are conducted live, in person at Pullman Melbourne on the Park. If you are unable to attend in person, please advise the Conference Organiser as soon as possible if you have not already done so. Electronic PowerPoint presentations must be provided to the speaker support staff at Pullman Melbourne on the Park. Presentations are required a minimum of 2 hours prior to the commencement of the assigned session.

Presentation Template
A PowerPoint template is available to use and can be downloaded above, however it is not compulsory.

The default aspect ratio for slides is 16:9 (wide screen) rather than 4:3. This is to reflect the fact that the standard template in the latest version of PowerPoint (Office 365 for Windows, Office 2016 for Mac) is 16:9 (wide screen) – which is in line with the format of most screens today (TVs, iPads, tablets, etc.). However, please note that the older 4:3 (non-wide screen) format will be supported, and your presentation will not be compromised in size or resolution if you choose to stay with this format.

It is mandatory that you check in your presentation with onsite AV staff at least 2 hours prior to your session to ensure all audio-visual checks are completed. Please ensure you bring a copy of your presentation on a USB with you when attending onsite. You will also be required to sign a release form of your presentation which will be sent to you shortly and made available onsite.

All presenters MUST be registered for the conference and be available to present your verbal presentation in person. 

In person presentations are mandatory for all accepted abstract submissions, and virtual presentations will not be considered.

Contact Us

Conference Organiser:

Royal Australasian College of Surgeons 
250-290 Spring Street, East Melbourne, VIC 3002 Australia

E: sol@surgeons.org
T: +61 3 9249 1158