The Developing a Career and skills in Academic Surgery (DCAS) course 2021 provisional program is now available.
Please click the button below to view the program.
Peter Choong Victoria
Michael Vallely Ohio, USA
Zara Cooper Massachusetts, USA
Lesly Dossett Michigan, USA
Amir Ghaferi Michigan, USA
Carrie Lubitz Massachusetts, USA
Colin Martin Alabama, USA
Sarah Aitken New South Wales
Kelvin Kong New South Wales
Marc Gladman South Australia
David Gyorki Victoria
Richard Hanney New South Wales
Jonathan Karpelowsky New South Wales
Michelle Locke New Zealand
Payal Mukherjee New South Wales
Christopher Reid Victoria
William Ridley New South Wales
Christobel Saunders Western Australia
Michael Solomon New South Wales
Tony Sparnon South Australia
Sean Stevens Victoria
Conferences and Events Department
250-290 Spring Street
East Melbourne VIC 3002
P: +61 3 9249 1117 E: